Wednesday 22 June 2011

To shame or not to shame, that is the question.

As I watch Nathan Kotylak break down in tears, flanked by his parents, humiliated and disgraced, I wonder to myself, ‘is this justice?’ The riots in Vancouver on June 15th have served to polarize this province in a way I’ve never seen before. The question is looming large... ‘What is justice?’

Social media has played an unprecedented roll in exposing the instigators, supporters and spectators that were involved in the riots. Initially, the public shaming movement was widely welcomed by those of us who were utterly disgusted by the behaviour of the hoodlums involved. We all know how limited the police and justice system are and how difficult it will be to bring the perpetrators to justice. So, as a result of our lack of faith in the justice system, many of us enjoyed the onslaught of shaming and character bashing that was taking place on these public shaming sites. I know I did. Unfortunately, out from another dark and frighteningly psychopathic corner of our society, came the ‘lynch mob’ (I won’t even call them vigilantes). This lynch mob’s objective was not to expose and hold people accountable for their actions; instead, it was to decimate their lives in any way possible. Further, anyone who disagreed with their point of view was also attacked, insulted and threatened by the lynch mob. What happened here? How did this go so wrong?

Without a doubt, there are a few ‘public shaming’ sites and blogs that were created with an honest desire to see justice be done and the intention was honourable; the mantra, ‘try these people in the court of public opinion and let the chips fall where they may’. However, other sites and blogs became forums for hate and ignorance. How different is someone who is capable of torching a car in a riot and someone who is capable of terrorizing a family that's only crime was to be associated with someone by blood? I say no difference at all. These lynch mobs have done nothing but embarrass Vancouverites more than they already were and garner sympathy for the idiots that participated in the riot.  Great, so now I feel sorry for those morons... Thanks lynch mob!

 Is public shaming justice? I don’t know anymore, but I do know this, if it wasn’t for the thousands of images outing the perpetrators, along with the public shaming and uproar of disgust, Nathan Kotylak would be having a beer with his buddies this weekend, laughing his head off and bragging about his part in the destruction. The infamous Brock Anton is a great example of that, he was a big man, bragging about what he did during the riot (or maybe he didn’t). It wasn’t until Vancouver embarrassed the hell out of him and shamed his sorry *ss, that he disappeared from view. I ask you, what would he have done without the public shaming? Well, my guess is, his story would have become even more fantastical and he’d still be bragging about it on Facebook.

I don’t buy any of the tearful, pitiful apologies that are coming out of these people after being shamed into it. These people are not sorry they did it, they are sorry they got caught! That being said, they are VERY sorry they got caught and this is probably going to be one of the darkest and most painful episodes of their lives. They have been shamed, they ARE ashamed. Will they do it again – not on your life!

So what about the hoodlums and idiots that have not been caught or shamed, will they participate in something like this again? Sure, maybe the hopeless losers (who will always be hopeless losers) but the average teen, drunk, thinking ‘hey, he/she's doing it, so why can’t I?’, they won’t be doing this again. Not after seeing his or her buddies put into cyber-stocks and shackles, humiliated and branded offenders - Not a pretty sight!

Public shaming IS a deterrent, but the questions many are asking are ‘is it worth the negatively, aggression and lynch mob mentality that it has provoked?’ Also, 'does the punishment fit the crime?' These are good questions.

Has public shaming served to hold those who have offended us accountable? Yes and no... It has, but only for a few of them and those few have paid a terrible price for their lack of good judgement (that's my nice way of saying 'self-centered and ignorant stupidity').  I think they’ve paid enough now. That being said, there are more out there, lots of them. The ones who blatantly destroyed property, put others at serious risk, attacked, injured and threatened law-abiding citizens and police and impeded the police and firemen from doing their jobs. Those offenders have NOT turned themselves in yet.

Should the participants who have clearly been pictured committing various offences but have not yet owned up to their wrong-doing be ‘shamed’?  I think both sides of the fence would like to see them admit their guilt with full knowledge that they will have to accept whatever price the justice system expects them to pay.  Should they be shamed?  - Well, whether the VPD publically arrests them or a public shaming site/blog outs them, there will be no escaping the embarrassment and shame that will come their way. One way or another, there’s more shame to come.

Chief Constable Jim Chu has made an ominous statement to those who participated in the riots; his statement is this “If you come in voluntarily, you can do so discreetly and at a time that is convenient for you. If you wait until we find you – and we will find you – we will arrest you in a public manner suitable to the public crimes you have committed.”

Hear  ye, hear  ye... all doers of mischief, mayhem and destruction. Be warned now, do the right thing and accept your just punishments... else prepare yourselves for something far worse than what the justice system can dish out.

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